What Is IPL?

  • Non-surgical / No Scarring
  • Minimal downtime
  • Permanent
No. of sessions: 1
Treatment time: 30-60 Minutes
Recovery time: Immediate
Slight swelling is possible
Results duration: 12-18 Months

What Is IPL?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy at Revive Medspa may be a useful option for people who are disturbed by the look of sun damage or pigmentation in their skin. An IPL photofacial is a skin-rejuvenation procedure for issues with hyperpigmentation on the face and neck. To stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms and boost collagen formation, we deliver powerful light pulses. You ought to see fewer pigmentation patches, a more even tone, and a healthier skin over time. IPL is a noninvasive procedure, but it has the potential to be incredibly effective and provide you beautiful results for your complexion. Our Saddle Brook, NJ staff performs IPL treatments using Alma Lasers’ Harmony XL PRO technology, and we can provide you with a skin analysis to help you decide.


Step 1

Step 1Consultation

Your health and well being are of paramount importance to Aesthetics Lab. During your cheek fillers consultation, we discuss your medical history to rule out any contraindications. Your assigned cosmetic doctor will then indicate the precise quantity of filler required for your cheek enhancement. This appointment is a great opportunity for you to ask us any questions. We will always answer with integrity.

  • Talk through the treatment, step-by-step
  • Share concerns with a qualified doctor
  • Design a tailored treatment plan
Step 2

Step 2During Your Treatment

Prior to the procedure, you will be shown into a calm, contemporary treatment room. Your personally-assigned cosmetic doctor will then carefully administer the prescribed dermal fillers via injection into pre-selected areas on and around the cheeks. This is followed by a cheek massage to ensure natural contouring.

  • Tranquil treatment rooms
  • Quick procedure, lasting up to 1 hour
  • Tailored filler quantity administered
Step 3

Step 3After the Treatment

Following your cheek enhancement procedure, the treated area may be tender and sore. Any swelling should reduce within a few days. This is completely normal, and nothing to worry about. Avoid touching your cheeks, wearing makeup or partaking in physical exercise in the days following your treatment. This will greatly reduce the risk of infection.

  • Minimal recovery time of 1-3 days
  • See results immediately
  • Enjoy renewed plump, full cheeks



IPL costs how much?

Because each patient’s situation is unique, the price of IPL treatments will depend on your individual objectives. Revive Medspa frequently runs promotions on procedures, such as IPL therapy, and accepts a variety of payment methods. We can explain the number of appointments required to achieve your goals and help you estimate the cost of your treatment during your initial visit.

How quickly do IPL results come in?

Each Harmony XL PRO IPL treatment frequently leads in visible skin improvements, although the best effects usually appear a month following your last treatment. Your skin will often react differently to each session. As time passes, you should see a fading of age, brown, and sun spots as well as blotchiness, redness, and spots.

What potential negative consequences might IPL have?

The majority of people only have minor side effects such brief redness, swelling, crusting, blisters, or bruises. Nonetheless, these side effects ought to disappear 2 to 3 days after your therapy. The treated regions will be more susceptible to the sun, and too much sun exposure can harm your outcomes. In order to protect your skin and help avoid problems like sun spots and redness, you should also wear sunscreen.

Should I get ready for the IPL?

During two to four weeks ahead to the procedure, patients getting ready for IPL therapy are advised to stay out of the sun and away from self-tanners. Retin-A/Renova, tetracycline, minocycline, and doxycycline may need to be stopped a few days before each treatment, and to assist prevent bruises, we may advise against using blood thinners and anti-inflammatory drugs for a week before to the procedure. Sunscreen must also be applied to the regions that have been treated.

Why do I need more than one IPL session?

It is advisable to have multiple IPL sessions to give your skin benefits that look more natural. Surface blemishes and spots are reduced with each session. Also, repeated sessions result in longer-lasting cosmetic gains.